In most relationships, it always end with someone letting out the bomb. What I meant by bomb?
BOMB : everything you've done wrong, everything they're not happy about, everything they can't get used to.
These bombs are solely the reason why the relationship ends! And mostly the bombs are kept to swipe one person in one short at the very last moment. Not only does the person have no time to prepare for it, that person just gets washed away.
People just gotta stop doing this! I mean seriously, isn't a relationship about where 2 people share their opinions and thoughts and feelings with one another.
Voicing out when there's something they don't agree on. Letting their partner know how they truly feel. At least letting their partner know what disturbs them, aggravates them.
It's all a process. A process of getting to understand each other, to know the do's and don'ts.
Eventually understanding becomes the base of a relationship.
What GOOD does it give when you hide everything to yourself. Not only your problems build up, your partner don't even know nuts. Moreover, you're just going to drown in that pool of problems. And then when it's time to confront them, you explode, you can't take it, and you let it out on the partner, which obviously was waiting for you to mend things the whole time.
Partner's should be given the chance to know how you actually feel. Even if when it's their wrongdoing, they deserve a chance to know, and then decide on how to mend it. It's unfair to just throw one big load to them out of the blue. That's just being unreasonable.
And it's probably one of the reason why hatred was born from break-ups.
Anyway, talking about mending things sounds so rigid-ish. But believe me, nothing's more important than talking about disagreements and other problems in a relationship and fixing them. Not only you get to understand each other, you might even find out something new about them.
Is that too much to ask for, even for a better, stronger relationship? Why make people suffer from your selfishness, inconsiderate actions, when things could be much better off?