Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy anniversary Baby!!

Happy 1st month anniversary baby! i love you !! oh my god..its like 12.00 am and im like super duper excited..winnie called me...and..we were talking...and talking...and talking..and i fall asleep..omfg....that was bad..she said it was cute...i didnt really think so bah ><

Anyway so here am i..i was like practising my hentai skills? nothing to do marhz..ahaha so i go conteng on everyones book..draw one dick there...for the young and underage boys and girls..please dont read my aint good for ya.. =p well..i drew a ... similiar to dick picture on ka huis he got pissed off..haha...and i didnt bother though..anyway i tried to help ka hui with the "zhong kai" lawl...then he pulled the brush away from my hand..which make my hand black..i got pissed so i wipe it on his shirt..i washed my hand in my class..kinda funny...well...

So Today i went to the massager dude...caropactor? whatver it is...I was beside this guy..and he was like..moaning for hell? damn kacau..i listening to jay chou music...then...he was like..oHHHH OHHH..pain!!!!...fucker man..kacau kacau..then the dude said my injury was an old spine was kinda pain..but more relaxing compared to the other days...anyway today was kinda stupid larhz..kena warning for hair for nth! chhheeeeee baiizzzz.... i forgot what to blog man..feel so down all a sudden..what did i do huh...anyway..i lazy to blog jor...the most meaningful thing in my having winnie by my side...i love her with all my heart..i meant every word im saying..i reali miss her..wish to see her soon..ahha...well..its already planned..anyway...u busy bodies jus get out of here..bwaiiii~ i love you sweetheart~

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