Friday, April 10, 2009

SMK USJ 12 Rejected David Archuleta!

David Archuleta is in Malaysia and he is coming to visit schools depending on the amount of the votes they chipped in for their school. KDU got it and I went like "Wow, I voted too, didn't my schoolmates vote?! "

And then I found this.

Quoted from Howard-U

As I heard from my juniors, he was suppose to visit SMK USJ 12 today. The students in smk12 must have spent hell lotsa money voting for him to come. And guess what, the principle of SMK USJ 12 rejected David’s visitation. WHY!!!

As what I’ve know, the main reason they rejected him because the school was having a fire drill practice and there were some VIPs in the school.

Oh my god! Why would you do that! If there was any VIP's in the school I'm sure they'll be as excited as we are TO MEET DAVID. Plus! we didn't even have fire drills, fire drills can be done any other time isn't it?! How often it is that we win a surprise visit! Like Howard said, David is the VVIP!

I didn't want to admit the school is lame, but wow it is lame! Lame for wasting our money that we used to vote for David to come. Lame for giving lame excuses to reject David.

I'm so disappointed with the decision, I'd never expect my school to do this . Urgh -.-

1 comment:

Shanthini Mahendran said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!! I'm an ex-student of SMK USJ 12 and I MUST say this is just PATHETIC. Rejecting David Archuleta to visit the school????!!!! That is just..... LAME!!!!!!! How can the school which is just one kilometer from my house just do that? What a complete waste of money!