Friday, May 15, 2009

Actor or not?

Now I feel like I have to really act when I talk to X :(

I'm not a good actor afterall, I can't help but feel the pinch when I have the conversation. Oh my, why did I even bother trying.

I'm still stuck with work here. Exams are in 7 hours time and I still haven't got the question right.

Edit : 10:09 PM

Exams were not that great, I think I nearly peed my pants, no just kidding actually. It was okay, just a little bit tough. But I just want to take that off my mind first.

I still have no idea who won this season's Malaysian Dreamgirl, I'm rooting for Juanita. Woo Hoo! She's so gorgeous okay, so what if she only has fierce looks, she's just as stunning as the others, maybe even better.


My dear little Hyena dropped by my house earlier. At first I was wondering who was outside the house. I really dislike people who park outside my house, oops :X

Oh well, we talked a little bit but she was rushing off to the hospital for her physiotherapy. Seeing her almost bang a car made me laugh. Aha, evil? I know.

But thanks to that, that was my first laugh of the day :)

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