Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm running out of ideas for blog post titles, I guess I just haven't been out much, no idea how am I going to clear my mind and get new inspirations just by sitting at home and loving my books.

Heck I even went and search up guides to blog better, don't laugh cause it actually helps :o

So for those who are interested only, check out How To Blog Better

My sister and I were talking about having a BBQ party over dinner. So what the heck we did it anyway.

It was so last minute we only called 10 people or so. On top of that we only had about 1 day to prepare? We rushed to get the groceries with whatever spare time we had, marinated everything during the wee hours, and bam we made it.

I know I procrastinated to have this BBQ since Form 5 Trials man exactly a year ago :p So in a way I feel better I can finally tick that off my to-do-list.

Groceries weren't cheap, it sum up all to 300~400 plus? Not to mention the additional beers. We prepared way too much food to be munched down by 10 people, which then leads to SOS'ing people who had not eaten dinner to come.

So sorry for that last minute call by the way :p Anyway, it was a good dinner, and if given the chance to prepare everything not so in a rush, I would do it again, provided someone helps me this time ._.

Moving on, I came back to school, having new classmates joining the PM3 family. We had a Steamboat Dinner to welcome them to the family.

Zue and I

New classmates :D

Classmates that left us :D

Hmmm, I forgot what happened here

Imitating one of our classmates

Thats pretty much it for the class. I'm quite glad we have new people added in to the class cause we really lack people here in the class. In chinese we would go like ' em gao yan hei '.

They're shy, but slowly feeling a part of the family. At least I think that way. I'm really looking forward to get to know them more (:

I just found this guy, David Choi, an asian that has exceptional vocals! Do check him out.

Click on the picture if you wish to know more about him.

Ah the link to image works!

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