Thursday, June 4, 2009

Don't touch me

I met this girl, I'll call her A at a party once. We introduced ourself after my friend suddenly disappeared. Everything was alright, music was good, everyone was in such a relaxed mood.

We've been friends for many months and we eventually got closer and closer, as in close friends. One day, I met A at another party. She just gone through a hard time with her own personal life. I felt sorry for her and gave her a pat on the back showing my concerns.

I thought it was alright until many days later when A's friend contacted me saying how uncomfortable A felt when I did that.

Considering I was a total stranger and it was only not long ago since the first time we met, she thought it was kinda inappropriate. And when her friend revealed that to me, I felt terrible! There was nothing mischievous at all about that hand patting her back, but I felt awful to make her feel so uncomfortable.

I've always believed in physical reassurance of touch. A hug is always better than a "I'm sorry for you" right? Hugs seem more sincere and yet more soothing for the person. Well, that's my beliefs.

Although I'm brought up in a strict family, but after I entered the world of hugging when I started going out and socialising, I realised how wonderful it is, but then again I guess that only applies in my lil Hao World.

But I guess she's right. It wasn't long since I knew her. Everybody has different boundaries when it comes to physical contact and just because I think it's ok doesn't mean she is okay with it. That part, I understand.

Ah I really don't know, it's so frustrating. How would I know that a slight pat would cause so much trouble. What I'm confused about is, what are the R&R when it comes to touching a girl. I'm tired of having my friendly gestures mistaken for some sick intention.

I like tongue piercing but it's only a temporary thing for me though, still not sure :(

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