Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hannah Montana : The Movie

It was so last minute, I decided to go out to Suwnay, again. Yeah it's the only outing I've got for this week, only day I felt like ' Hey I want to go out '

My sister and Mei Ting came along so we had our early lunch at Jusco Food Court, since we got bored of choosing from the wide variety of restaurants. And trust me I really don't want to go back there although its tasty.

I saw mini cockroaches lurking around the dishes as I reached out for a spoon. Wow, the horror lol. It was just beside my hand.

After lunch we managed to watch Hannah Montana : The Movie. Overall the movie isn't that bad. What I think Miley is trying to do is break off from the HM image, correct me if I'm mistaken. It was kind of funny too although they didn't show much of Jackson and Rico brawling. And, my back didn't hurt throughout the 1hr 45 mins show.

And usually I don't do this but I watched MvA again :S Double movie isn't my thing, this time my butt hurt :X

After lazing around for another hour or so then my mom came to get us. We went to Nirwana Maju, Taipan.

Oh, I mentioned before how much I LOVE INDIAN FOOD , especially those south indian ones ( banana leaf ) .

I'm a very big eater but I couldn't tackle any more food after eating that big of a portion. I didn't call for seconds :( Everything tasted delicious, maybe toooo delicious until I felt scared there was going to be MSG.

But then again, there wasn't any MSG. One bite at their food and your taste buds experiences the blend of flavors from a variety of spices they used. It's just amazing! I love this place so much I'd call it my second home. And I went home satisfied!

About today, my mind still can't comprehend what happened. It was something new for me, I've never felt like this before. It's just so great to feel this way and to be in this state of happiness. It's hard to explain. I barely got any sleep just thinking ' Did it really happen? '

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