Saturday, March 21, 2009

Driving Academy

Just went for the undang-undang course today, usually people say its hella boring but I found it alright, guess we got good speakers today. But one shitty thing was that it lasted 5 hours! Poor back of mine aching now.

Let's slash the course in half, really don't want to repeat that, considering there's another test to take.

I wandered around the web and look, I dropped by the Prawncracker and lost my appetite right away.

The guy that WoWs me

The other side of that guy

And also...

OMG right? I never expect that he'd be gay, but screw that man. He's one hell of a singer, and he's so charismatic, crazy range of vocals! Furthermore, he's GAY! Okay, this has nothing to do with singing but yeah he deserves to win. Look at Elton John for instance XD

Edit  (9:09 pm)

Start to hate myself, for doing things to others that I thought was okay. But now, I feel what they feel. Not to say its karma, but I know its coming, I just didn't choose to avoid. Oh well, I feel bad somehow, but regrets are a lil too late now.

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