Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cherish what you have when it's still there

I've been jumping through TV channels listening to how MJ influenced celebrities' lives.

He's been such an inspiration to me
His songs taught me how to appreciate...
He gave a new meaning to life

Personally, I think this is all bullshit, maybe some are true. But then again, what's funny is IF he had inspired you and influenced your life in many ways, WHERE WERE YOU ALL when he needed moral support!?

And now, even the boy that claimed he was molested confessed he lied. What's the use of saying good things about MJ when you could have done that while he was still alive.

Oh for the masks everyone has been asking about the whole day.

They have a wide variety of masks than any other stores I've seen so far. I wouldn't recommend Toys R Us, unless you want an Optimus Prime mask, then that's a different story.

Just look out for this sign in Asian Avenue, Sunway Pyramid. You wouldn't be able to miss it.

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