Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can this day get any better?

The news of her passing came to me when I was on my way back home, I didn't know how to react to it, a mixed of shock and guilt. Why I feel guilty? I never listened to her classes but thank god that I've apologized to her before, it lessens the guilt I bear. Saying good things about her isn't going to bring her back, but for the two years she taught me, although she wasn't the best of the teachers, she tried her best to keep up, that made me actually suck it up and get her forgiveness.

I hope her soul rests in peace, as she already fought a tough better before she left us.

Can this day get any better?

I finally understand why people hated me so much for breaking promises. I've always ignored them and thought they were overreacting but hah who knew I would find out the answer to the question that was on my mind for ages.

When you promise someone, they have high hopes that you'll live up to that. Breaking one is just as bad as losing the trust of your friend, especially if that promise means a lot to a certain someone.

I feel bad now, I guess devastated is the word to describe how I feel right now. I want to apologize for being such a jerk last time, but I think everyone deserves a second chance, not that I expect to be given one but yeah.

It feels like being at the edge of the cliff now, to jump or not jump? That is the question. I'd prefer if someone pushed me instead. But I don't see how's it worth throwing everything away when I've gone through so much. ( If you don't understand it's okay )

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