Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Feel so relieved

Ok, I got back my bio today. I was so afraid I would fail it. But no, instead I just made it out with a pass. I'm so relieved. Anyway, the thing that bothers me is the part where people cry over results. I'm not going to start here but you can already guess what I'm going to say. So yeah.

Back in the bio lab, I nearly died of laughing at something which I wouldn't say here. It was hilarious though. Why'd you ignore what I told you :(

Chem teacher wanted to do diagnostic test and replace Physical Edu tomorrow. Hell no man! Its like our last P.E class and you want to replace it? Your out of your mind! I tell you if tomorrow if it is replaced I'll be the first one to get mad.

Eu Gene and Min Xian really made my day, but really kinda late. They were like insulting each other at the end on school which I don't know why, but you gotta see it. When I got home, I realise how ironic it is when someone lecture you about religion when they them self are ignorant of it.

And please, I'm being very nice to you now. You either talk to me nicely, or don't even open your mouth at all. Respect is a two way thing okay. You don't demand respect you earn it. Crap man, get that to your mind. My patience has a limit. Stop pushing your luck too far.

I'm looking forward to Saturday. It's gonna be great. btw, who's going to Avril's concert?

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