Sunday, October 5, 2008

World's cycling day I think

I got scolded by Jess for not inviting her to play frisbee. We didn't really play frisbee more like playing half-bee.

Shawnnnn :( We really should have bought more RM1.50 ones

I asked Ben to meet up with me at MPSJ cause apparently he has problem finding my house. It's probably the easiest house to find lor.

So we went to 3k late, when we arrived the first person I saw was Nabi Wong man. Aiyo, I haven't seen him for so long.Maybe I exeggerated a lil, it's been just a week.

We played doubles games and all, but with Ben playing, our shuttlecock well...

My first time playing until like this

We had our fun and laughs but one things for sure, I can't forget what Nabi Wong did. He practically threw his whole racket at Jon while returning a shot. Wow :D I only realise when Jon shouted.

My first Rootbeer of October

It was funny as hell, I ate with Ben at A&W and fetched him home. Thanks for the Rootbeer btw :)

I rested awhile at home, watched my unfinished Russell Peters dvd. God, I love him so much. Too bad he had to retire and all. And I so want a click in my name :(

In the evening, or rather 4 pm , I somehow went to 3A and stumbled upon this monster.

No wonder she kept asking me to come over :S Jelly monster, she wasn't alone. her brother was there.

When I was about to go home, I heard someone shouting my name. It was Yivern :D I just waved back and cycled to MPSJ.

I barely jogged, we did stairs today.

I went to Ben's house later on and cycled back at 7.45. Boy it was pitch dark, not to mention the street lights not working.

You guys should try that sometime. Who knows what you may bump into <_<

Anyways, I might/might not be updating pretty much. Exams yeah. I'm gonna nerd it all and I feel guilty for not studying earlier. So yeah, you people take care kay, good night :)

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