Friday, May 8, 2009

Where's the light?

I've heard this sentence so many times until it really hurts my ears. I get it, never give up when it comes to something, but then this one is really tough.

Edit 7:46 PM

Just got back from from basketball-ing. Well, remember the drama we had? I thought it was over. Although I've got so many comments and opinions on this, I wasn't really convinced that the friendship is really over, I thought it was possible to save things.

  Some people say it's a shame to let go a friend who's dear and understands you so much when you've been through so many things with them.

Some even said " You shouldn't befriend them because they are so selfish and can't think for others.

Even so I'm still so effing confused

I remember receiving a text saying " I'm tired of fighting, I want us to remain bestfriends ". Sigh, by then I was convinced. Thinking, hey! Why don't I try it out. But oh no, of course I did made an effort trying but one hand clapping won't do any good.

It requires two people's effort. So I really think that's it for me trying to be super ambitious and make a difference. Silly me. I can't come out with the right words, because I'm tired of repeating this issue again and again. I really hope this doesn't happen to my other friends.

p/s : not claiming my innocence <_<

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