Tuesday, September 23, 2008

100th post

Happy Birthday Eunice Ong!

Ripped from YiXin's blog. Don't mind me XD

Eunice, although I don't know you. But but but! Your smile makes me flashback to my childhood. All the happy memories just come back flowing. You're awesome, in my way of course :D Have a nice birthday, you deserve it.

So back in school, URGH MIN XIAN AND DENISE, eh wait AND EU GENE TOO!! Why are you three missing, you know its the second last week we're going to talk and enjoy in class. Come back please ;( I gotta admit I miss you three alot alot alot!

There I finally said it. Even Mielan ended up talking to that girl, creepy man.

Anyway, Ben got back last saturday. That bugger didn't even call me and said I changed number. My number haven't changed ever since primary.

We played basketball , and boy, do I regret jogging before playing. Really nice to see how he changed for the past two years. But one thing's for sure, that boy is still LOYAL lah ;D

A random thought, I think our Malaysian government should improve the Prostitution Industry. Even Thailand Ah Kuas are more famous than our Jalan Chow Kit Chicken. Sad case ;(

Thailand Ah Kuas
Jalan Chow Kit Chicken

And uh, I've got something to share. You know when you order 100 Plus at a restaurant. They pour it for you and so on right? When someone does that, I get so pissed off >:( I like to have the pleasure of doing it myself.

But then, another thing about pouring it myself is when it goes


God, I just hate it when it's empty, I like to listen to the sound of it being poured. I know it's weird but haha I can't help it.

Oh, something more, a lil someone just acknowledged my sense of humor. Yeah, you know who you are :)

I love you!


I fixed the blog viewing problem. Nuffnang poll was the culprit. Feel free to visit again.

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