Saturday, April 18, 2009

Secret z

I lost sleep last night, thinking that I'm supposed to wait for my friends to discuss some stuffs, but when I looked at my watch - 4.30a.m then my face expression changed to china man eyes ( mine is natural ).

Went back to sleep for awhile more and I got up again for brunch. My parents and I tried this new offer at J.O SS15. That's a Chinese restaurant. They started promoting their ' Dim Sum ' ( Dumplings ) and it was rather cheap!

Dim Sum was nice, what's best is that there's no MSG, which was kind of surprising. But one drawback is that their Fried Grass Noodles was like rubber, too starchy until I had a hard time chewing it.

In the car I was listening to the radio where they were talking about how to maneuver yourself to avoid shop assistants.

First person to call in said " My dad always asked me to act retarded "
Hah, I cannot imagine the shop assistant's reaction man, it would be so priceless.

Another caller said " I'll shout and ask him/her to leave me alone "
Wow now that's ganas, its a lady by the way, I wouldn't want to be treated that way either. After all, we're just helping :(

In the afternoon, we celebrated Atreyi's birthday at Secret Recipe. Mmm, the pictures are still with Guan, waiting for him to upload em'

Eu Gene - one of the 四大天王 of your group :D that fella called me saying he's arriving soon and I was the earliest dude to be there, wow -.-

Saw that eyes! How big it became when Guan witnessed his camera being held by Min Xian, and it almost dropped! Poor thing man.

Did anyone realise the weather for the past three days is really hot and humid? What's happening? All my outdoor activities cut off since it was so hot. Tomorrow's SU's sport day and I hope it won't be as sunny as today or yesterday, so yeah, I'll bring an umbrella just in case. Till then, stay tuned ;D

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