Monday, April 13, 2009

Touch My Hand

School was so so dry, even sleeping at home was better. How did I do for my test? Well, I slept through half of the time, but why did I manage to finish it, odd.

My mind just replayed the whole David Archuleta showcase again and again AHH! And I can't wait for the pictures to come seriously. Mun Yue hurry up! And currently my favorite songs - Touch My Hand is like repeating itself. What's funny is I've never heard of that song before, until that day.

And after that day I kept saying the Italian Word Mi Manchi, Mi Manchi which means I miss you. I find Italian words really funny like Mi Scusi ( excuse me ). Oh speaking of that, most of you would remember the infamous Italian guy in Eurotrip :D For those who have not watched check out this video.

Wouldn't want that to happen to me

Not only that, like in the show Football Hooligans are as wild as they are irl, I heard once from a friend that they actually throw bottles here and there and like randomly screws someone up on the road. The part where they chase people in other football team jerseys was hilarious.

Oh well, anyways I've been staring at this ' You have used 7& of your image storage' thing from blogger. This sucks, purchasing additional storage would cost me 30USD , and it's like a rental thing. Gosh, I'm gonna start reducing photo size just in case I don't intend to pay for that. Yeah, I know I'm stingy but wtheck, jobless here, hello?

Anyways, our latest group photo as of last Friday.
Love it <3

Anyways, that's all for the updates today, got some nerding to do ;D

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